Link to survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=L1uhM5mEmUGNVvILWqka8jDV3K833ptGiR-3Exi44xpUNFdDV1pUM0JITUw3VTVTVjlCTUFGWEtSNy4u

Note: Log in with NHH account

EQUIS accreditation is the most comprehensive institutional accreditation system for business and management schools. It is acknowledged worldwide by potential students, faculty, employers, corporate clients and the media, often being a pre-requisite for entry to rankings.

NHH is currently accreditated and is applying to reaccreditate itself. In order for NHH to reaccrediate, the students has to submit a rapport. The purpose of this survey is to ensure that the student committee’s report is representative for the students.The survey is anonymous and it will require you to log in with your NHH account for authentication.

It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete the survey, and you will be able to compete in a raffle for winning a pair of sunglasses from Frank Walton.