21 21 July 2023

Do I have to attend every part of the Welcome Week?

By |2023-07-21T13:23:47+02:0021. July 2023||

Not at all. There are plenty of activities to choose from, and many might find it a bit overwhelming. It's good to know that all the activities happening during the orientation week, organized by the student association (NHHS), are optional to participate in. Your mentors will inform you about the events taking place and [...]

21 21 July 2023

Where can I find more information about Welcome Week?

By |2023-07-21T13:19:05+02:0021. July 2023|, |

On nhhs.no, you will find everything you need to know. We also have other information channels that are useful to use: Facebook group: "Students starting at NHH autumn 2023" NHHS's Instagram: nhhstudentforening You can also ask your buddy, your faddere (mentors), or contact NHHS on Facebook. During FKU, we will also have a dedicated [...]

21 21 July 2023

What is Daghavende?

By |2023-07-21T13:04:42+02:0021. July 2023|, |

During the Welcome Week (FKU), there will be several members from the Welcome Week committee on duty 24 hours a day, and this is called the "Daghavende" system. The Daghavende is responsible for ensuring that everything runs smoothly and safely, whether it's on campus or at other locations where events for new students are [...]

21 21 July 2023

How do I buy a ticket for Welcome Week?

By |2024-01-03T16:40:03+01:0021. July 2023||

Tickets for events hosted by the Student Assosciation at NHH (NHHS) will be sold in the Orbi app, including the Welcome Week. It is therefore recommended to keep the app throughout your time at NHH. How to create an Orbi account: Download the app “Orbi” from App Store/Google Play Create an account and choose [...]

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